28 Ocak 2016 Perşembe

reflection task 3

    If I were a jury member of the committee choosing the person of the year , I would choose Arda Turan. In Turkey almost every team's supporters love him because he is really so succesfull in football and he represents Turkey in the world's biggest football clubs. Although he is very succesfull player, he is always a modest person. While he plays football at these big clubs, he never forgets his own country. I think when he started to his career, he even couldn't dream being in Barcelona, but he achieved a hard thing and he did one of the best football player. I hope he will be able to make his all dreams come true.

reflection task 2b

I chose a Tv serial for this task. It's name is ' Muhteşem Yüzyıl' . It is about Ottoman Empire's history, but I think it reflects our huge history really wrong. If it was made by foreign country, I could understand it, but it was made by Turkish people. Our padishas' in our history did so many important things for our country, but in this serial it reflects them like they didn't do anything out of staying in their palace with their women. Moreover, we all watch it with pleasure. I think we shouldn't allow to them, and we should be more sensitive about our history and culture. To conclude, when we watch something, we need to remember that it reflects us to the other country.

Reflection Task 1a

Suppose you would like to join a student group at Metu.

    Hello everyone, actually I don't know so many things about student group at Metu because this is
my first year and I don't have so many information about them. I just searched some groups and I
decided to join photography club because I really like take photos and show them to the people.
Another reason of my decision is my interest in photographic apparatus.     My second choice is gastronomy club because I like taste something new. This club's members can both eat and travel and I love both of them. According to what I hear this club is a little bitexpensive, but if it is really funny I can join it :)

peer evaluation on Arzu's post


peer evaluation on Yonca's post.


14 Ocak 2016 Perşembe


              I love grammer course. = Simple Sentence

             I love grammer course and I have high grades in this course. = Compound sentence

             If I hadn't loved this course, I couldn't have taken high grades. = Complex sentence

             If I hadn't loved this couse, I couldnt have taken high grades and I couldn't have passed exams.= Compound- Complex sentence


         I want to mention about a quote by John Green. 'I wish I knew how to quit you facebook.

With the development of technology, internet use has become increasingly popular.Although the

internet has many advantages and disadvantages, sometimes it can turn out to be dangerous.

Nowadays especially among the youth, social media is so popular. We share almost everything via

Facebook, Twitter etc. Where are we, what we eat and what are we doing.. We share all of theese ,

but sometimes this backfires on  us with some danger. For example a man who shared his location

while on holiday he got burgled. On the other hand excessive using social media causes violation of



 ‘Which changes in traditional values could contribute to a generation gap?’ I think

there are so many reasons of generation gap.First of all is advancing technology. We youth

are living with smart phones and mini computers, but old generation didn’t have so many

technological devices, so they can’t follow the new technology as much as youth.The other

reason is differences in language using. New generation uses some new vocabularies and they

reproduce some vocabularies, so old generation has difficulty to understand them. Like new

generation, old generation has some vocabularies from old time, so we can’t understand them

sometimes,too. Last and most important reason is cahanging cultural conditions. Today the

culture is so diffeerent from old culture. Now our society is much more free than old society.

We started to lose our cultural values. To conclude with the changing conditions, gap between

old and new generation is increasing and I think this gap  will be more than today in our old


reflection task 2a


I want to reply this question ‘What are the reasons for the increasing intrest in beauty’ in this

paragraph. We know that a first impression is one of the most important things in our life. It

has an immense impact on our relationships with others. First of all, if a person is happy

aboout her/his apparance, he/she has self-confidence and can be active in society. This can be

controversial, but our apparances can reflect our values, personalities and even our

perspectives about life. Therefore sometimes we need to use some beauty products and plastic

surgeries. Another reason fort he increasing interest in beauty can be people that we see on

television. Nowadays we usually compare ourselves with those famous people , and we want

to look like them. We want to seem perfect because we think if  we seem perfect to others, we

can be more prestigious among the people. Unfortunately, because  of the increasing interest

in beauty there is a huge disparity between people seem different. For example in a job

interview, a person that has a good apparance can be more advantageous than a person that

seems bad. Concidering all of these, I think people have right reasons fort his increasing

interest in beauty, and it will be more important in the future.



                                               Imagine there is a world

                                               It's colourful if you can see
                                               No place below us
                                               Above us only hope
                                               Imagine all the people
                                               Loving each other
                                               Imagine there's no war
                                               It isn't hard to dream
                                               Nothing to worry or regret
                                               And no evil too
                                               Imagine all the people 
                                               are optimistic and patient
                                              You may say I'm a dreamer
                                              But I'm not the only one
                                              I hope someday you'll wake up
                                              And the world will be a better place to live in

                                              Imagine nobody has prejudice 
                                              It will be if you can imagine
                                              No need for hopelessness or disappointment
                                              A brotherhood of man
                                              Imagine all the people
                                              Thinking in tolerance
                                              You may say I'm a dreamer
                                              But I'm not the only one
                                              I hope someday you'll realize
                                              And the world will be a better place to live in.